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Rabu, 11 April 2012

Happy (Belated) Birthday Kim Jonghyun

April 8th was the birthday of our adorable SHINee's lead vocalist, adorable puppy, and local dinosaur - Kim Jonghyun!! In Korea, he can now say he is 23, but internationally he is now 22.
No matter what happens, you will always be our shining Puppy-eyed Dinosaur!!
*Rawr*!! It means "I love you" in Dinosaur.

This boy is so adorable.
Because you are so darned adorable. Isn't it obvious?
Yeah... I'm a Jongkey Shipper. Is it obvious??
Keeping it classy. Pinky out!
*Rawr* .....
Cutie with glasses... *swoon*
Gotta have a picture of abs for the fangirls.....

Puff ball face!!
Another cute puff ball face with an extra dose of puppy dog eyes
Another picture of the cutie with glasses

  A cute picture to hide the sexy......

 And wrapping it up with an adorable JongKey meme ^_^


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