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Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

[11.02.01] 4Minute's WHY Covers: Released + MTV's Official date for WHY's PV broadcast, NEWS

After quite some time, we can now have a glimpse to 4Minute's official covers of 4th Japanese Single: "WHY." The covers were released via 4minute Japan mobile and was uploaded by a J4Nia known as 4M_Saayan in Twitter.

Ver. A:

Ver. B:

Ver. C:
From these pictures, you can clearly see how the girls rock the sexy and hot concept. Many applauds the creative and model-like poses that they did for the three covers. With these, more and more people are craving for the official release of their music video.

In connection to that, an official statement has just been announced by MTV Japan that 4Minute's WHY PV will be officially broadcasted this coming February 8-9, 2011.

Source: MTV Japan and 4M_Saayan's Twitter
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