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Rabu, 30 November 2011

What is Social Identity and what does it mean to be educated?

Between Simon and Martina's TL:DR and my Writing 101/Critical Writing class, I have been thinking about identity in current society. Simon and Martina had one video (which I will attach a link for when I find which one it is again) where they mention how Korean students and American students are different in how they find their identity or something like that and how Korean students don't really care so much about finding who they are as an individual and they all just wants really good grades and that's how they become who they are and the best they can be, whereas in America, children are taught at a young age that different is good (but still fit in and be like everyone else). Individuality is such a part of the society; it is both praised and ridiculed, but always put on a high pedestal. Every person wants to stand out and be remembered. Every person wants to be 'that one' and not fit perfectly into the crowd.
In my Critical Writing class, we're talking about "What does it mean to get an education today?" In my essay, I was thinking about what it means to be educated:

"Iseducated the wizen, old man that takes all of his knowledge from book and canquote Shakespeare, but couldn’t survive an hour in a bad part of town? Iseducated the teenager that was abused as a child and now lives on the streetsavoiding cops, landlords and loan shark, but couldn’t recite the alphabet tosave her live? Is educated the man that live off the money he obtains throughscams but has no family and doesn’t know how to escape these lives he doesn’twant? Is educated the girl that can speak multiple languages fluently, but can’tpass a science final?" (ME!!)

Seriously! So, the thing on my mind isn't so much how does one stand out? Or how to be an individual?
But - "I'm already different, but can I consider myself to be educated?" John Henry Newman once wrote that "...educated men can do what illiterate cannot..." Does that mean if you're literate, then you're educated? Or is it something more than that? For me...:

"I want to go to Korea.Ever since my college roommate got me hooked on K-pop (Korean Pop music), Ihave been obsessed with the language, the music and the culture. It can beconsidered a distraction, because while I was listening to my favorite K-popsongs and learning the dances, I wasn’t studying for my tests and exams; Ididn’t make the grade and was expelled from my first college. Is this bad?Sure, I wasn’t able to memorize all the bones in the human anatomy in thelittle time that I peeked at the textbook, but I learned a few words of Korean,Japanese and Thai. Sure, I didn’t memorize all the animals and fungi that Ineeded to in order to pass the Chemistry final, but I learned to dance againand to free myself from the prison I locked myself in that prevented me fromtalking to others, from putting myself out there. Sure, I didn’t spend enoughhours studying my class materials, but I learned so much more; I’ve learned tolive." (ME!!)

Would you consider this to be educated? Sure, I may not graduate with a Masters Degree in Chemistry, but can everyone with a Masters Degree in Chemistry speak in English and Chinese and be learning Korean, Japanese and Thai? Huh?
What does it mean to be educated? Am I considered educated? Or am I just misleading myself?

(P.S. No, I haven' finished the PEACE notes. They are REALLY long and it's taking me way longer than I expected. I also have work and school work and finals are coming up. I will just post them when I'm done. The whole deadline thing on this is really not working out... -_-**  Sorry. I'm annoyed with myself too.)

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